Thursday, January 22, 2009
Just a little off the bottom please.
Johnny D wanted his 54 Ford a bit lower. Not scraping the ground, just a bit lower. He got it. 2" in the back and about 1 1/2" up front. I think it looks good. I'm sure he'll be happy. The rear was done with a simple set of lowering blocks. Up front a trim of the coils.
Monday, January 12, 2009
John's 47 ford coupe update
A few weeks ago I posted a pic. of a wheel all off center in the wheel well. I cut out all the old rear suspension and replaced the coil-overs with a set of parallel leafs. These tucked in the inside of the frame allowing the rails to gain about 4" of ground clearance. This whole re-fab. also corrected an incorrect pinion angle and centered those wheels too. This one is in the books. On to the next project.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Biltwell Bash '09

If you are anywhere near this and are cool go check out The Bash. Please stay home if you are a D-BAG. The good people at Biltwell have organized this killer event. This is a good event for guys that ride and like to have fun. I don't mean ride to the store either. Be prepared for killer rides of the roads less traveled. The basic rules are on the Biltwelll site. Go check it out. 47 Industries is a proud sponsor of this event as are some other real awesome chop-shops and parts vendors. See the Biltwell site for more info. at http://biltwellinc.com/bash
Mikey's CB350
I have had this one here for a while. It was gonna be a quick stick it together kind of job. That all changed somewhere along the line and it became a do it right job instead. It's a '73 CB350. The frame has a few things smoothed out and got a real nice gloss black paint job. Wood-craft clip on bars, Benelli Mojave gas tank, and a 'glass tail cone. Shaved fork legs and filled the top tree clamp. Polished engine side covers give some bling to the otherwise stock engine. A few other things like a set of Mikuni slide carbs and a steering stabilizer should insure this little rocket tears up the streets real soon. I'll post a final shot when it's all done. Oh yeah, Ryzart is busy doing the paint right now!
Friday, January 2, 2009
John's 47 Ford coupe
So I have been working on a top secret bike project here and I can't share it with you at the request of the owner. So instead I'll show you something I can share. As the pic. shows, John's coupe rear suspension needed a bit of work. The wheels were 2" too far forward and due to it being so low the ladder bar rear end set-up was actually riding against the frame. The mounts for the bars were only 2" off the ground so they made any driveways a real interesting issue. Let the games begin! Out comes the rear set-up for a set of parallel leaf springs.
On a side note I need to figure out to add more pix. to the gallery so it is easier for you all to see the jobs that I do in detail. All in due (overdue) time.