Saturday, December 20, 2008
Pretty cool photo
I'm not a very artsy photographer. Most of my pictures suck. Even snapshots I take for my work records or for posting here are horrible. This one isn't really much different. It's dark and I was actually trying to get a shot of the aluminum dash that I had just welded to show the weld bead. I have a 30 yr. old TIG machine with no pulser. I was real proud of being able to do a nice run like this one. I only got a bit of the dash in the shot as I wasn't laying on the floor but rather standing and just reached down with the camera. I had pretty much passed over this one about 10 times. I just stopped on it and realized that is really a cool photo. The dash is is focus but the wall in the background is blurry. Also the fact that I got the ceiling in there gives it a very interesting angle. I know there is a technical photo term for this but I don't know what it is. It shows what I wanted it to but just not how I intended it to. Maybe you will dig it maybe you won't. I think my point is that the best pix. are sometimes the ones that you just snap when you really aren't even trying. So just hold the camera out there and let it rip.
Friday, December 12, 2008
I told you to give us a week. Well, here it is in all it's Glory! A friend of mine, James, has a neighbor who is deaf. The guy pushes a shopping cart a mile plus, each way, every week to get his own groceries. He does not have a license and he is very independent, so he does for himself. James thought it would be cool to give the guy a better way to get the store and run some errands and be the coolest cat in town while doing it. I agreed. I little sanding and painting, some grease and a few new parts and here's what you get. It's X-mas people! Be a hero like James and go help a neighbor just because you can.